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Caio Pagano, president

Caio Pagano is an internationally renowned concert pianist, teacher and scholar.
He is a distinguished professor of piano at Arizona State University since 1986 having earned the honor of Regents' Professor of Piano at this institution. He is the recipient of many piano performance awards in Europe and in his native country, Brazil.


In 2000, initially under the sponsorship of the Arizona Community Foundation, Reginald Couch and Caio Pagano created the Avanti Fund. 


Visit to learn more about Caio. 


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Anne Connor, creative Coordinator 

Anne Connor is a faculty member of  Arizona State University’s Art Department and presents the opening art-focused lectures for the Avanti Evenings of Art & Music. A fascinating speaker with an encyclopedic knowledge of art history, Ms. Connor collaborates closely with Caio Pagano to create stunning multimedia art history presentations that  coincide with the theme of  the musical performances provided by Dr. Pagano and his students. A gourmet cook, Ms. Connor personally creates a dining experience for the guests that reflects the international tastes and interests of Avanti’s donors, and Ms. Connor’s vast experience as a ‘citizen of the world’, and one of the originators of the Evenings of Art & Music.

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